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Let's Make the Most of the Time You Have

Intentional Christian Parenting

Parent Resourece Center

"It's just a phase." I know you've said it before. But here's the thing about phases: they're gone just as quickly as they come. And in each phase of a child's life, there are different motivations, rhythms, and strategies that a parent can leverage to help their child navigate life in a God-honoring way. This resource has been put together to help the parents in our congregation feel equipped to do just that. Regardless of if your children are newborn or college-bound, we want to help you make the most of the time you have with them today.

The material that you'll find here is adapted from a number of different places, but utilizes Orange's Parent Cue phase language and outline. As it continues to be developed, we hope this Parent Resource Center becomes a valuable tool for the Peachtree City Church of Christ.

For each phase, from newborn to twelfth grade, parents will be given an overview of the things that are changing, some insights into the way their child's mind is working, some different strategies and rhythms to help take advantage of the current phases, and resources to help keep the conversation going. 

A timeframe in a kid's life when you can leverage distinctive opportunities to influence their future.

Oh, they're in a phase...

"Are they going to listen?" "Am I doing enough?" "Am I doing too much?" "When they go off on their own, are they going to remain faithful?" Parenting feels scary, but it doesn’t have to be.

Sure, the weeks, months, and even years ahead can feel intimidating, but by the grace of God, if we make the most of the days we have today, you can be confident in your potential as a Christian parent to shape your child’s future.

Maybe you're worried about...

as a christian parent

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From year to year, each stage of development is different. In the early years, your child needs you all of the time. In the high school years, your child thinks they need you only some of the time. You have seen it already, your children change right before your eyes.
Despite all that, the Gospel does not change. And with a spirit of intentional humility, you can introduce your child to the Lamb of God during every stage.

We can’t promise that your child will always remain faithful. We can promise, however, with the time we have today, we will do what we can in helping to lay the foundations of their faith.

So that, if they do find themselves far off, like the prodigal son, they know exactly how to come back home.

Childhood is but a vapor.
Let’s make it count!


Your Child Is Rapidly Changing

The Big Picture

In each stage,you have a different job to do

Emphasize embracing your child's physical needs to plant the seeds of your child knowing God's love. Especially in these early years, forming familiarity with Church and modeling faith patterns prepare your child for what comes next.

plant the seeds

In The Early Years:

water regularly

In Elementary:

Emphasize engaging in your child's interests to demonstrate trusting in God's character. Water the seeds and, as they sprout up, cultivate community and nurture their sense of discovery to prepare your child for what comes next.

Embrace your preteen's identity through pruning and shaping them on their faith journey. Subtle but consistent nudges in this stage have the potential to propel your child on through the stage that comes next.

prune patiently

In Middle School:

support the branches

In High School:

Encourage your teen in their endeavors as they grow in new directions. As they branch out, support and guide them while they take ownership of their faith to prepare them to flourish in the ages to come.

Select your child's age from the options below.

Ready To get started?

Browse By Age

In each phase and stage, there are strategies and rhythms that you can incorporate to prepare them for "what comes next." Click the links below to start learning more about each individual phase.

12th grade

11th grade

10th grade

9th grade

8th grade

7th grade

6th grade

5th grade

4th grade

3rd grade

2nd grade

1st grade


4 year old

3 year old

2 year old

1 year old

New baby

Strategy Guides

Parent Resource Center

That your child would be convicted by the Gospel, and that it would spur them on in their abundant and eternal life.

teen prayer

That your child would remain familiar with truth, and that they feel at home among God's people.

adolescent prayer

That your child would know that they are loved, and that God has purposed their life for good.

Toddler prayer

What we're praying for your kids:

Our shepherds and ministers care about your family.

looking for more support?

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