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Ready to visit?

Keep reading to learn more about our ministries and the many ways to get involved at our church.

Let’s get to know each other better.

In the warmth of our fellowship, you will find a community of believers who genuinely care for one another. It's a place where you can find friendship, support, and encouragement as we walk together in our faith. Whether it's sharing a meal after service, participating in growth group discussions, or lending a helping hand to those in need, our fellowship is rich with opportunities to connect and grow.

But perhaps the most beautiful aspect of church fellowship is the way it reflects the love of Christ. It's a tangible expression of the unity and compassion that Jesus prayed for his followers to have. In fellowship, we bear one another's burdens, rejoice in each other's triumphs, and spur one another on toward a lasting relationship with God.

As you settle into our church community, we encourage you to immerse yourself in the joy of fellowship. Below, you'll find a list of opportunities to know church members on a deeper level.

Which means finding a body of believers who will serve the Lord & serve each other, too.

So you are looking for a church home...

 As young adults enter the world to further their education and start careers, it's vitally important to their faith to have a foundation of like-minded Christians that can encourage one another as they continue their Christian walk. Our goal is to exhibit the love Christ had for us in our words and actions to spread the gospel and expand the borders of God's kingdom.

College & Young Professional

For sixth through twelfth grade. The student ministry exists to help teens find Jesus Christ and grow in their relationship with God through Him.

Student Ministry

For third through fifth grade. Your son or daughter will find lots of love, plenty of friends, and numerous activities to help them grow in their faith. From monthly devotionals to fun excursions, there’s always something going on for your tween. 


For birth through second grade. This ministry is designed to share Jesus' love with our little ones. This group participates in a variety of activities meant for faith building fun, including holiday parties and age-appropriate service projects.

Jesus' Lambs

groups for families...

The Boyd Group

The Copeland Group

The Machemehl Group

The McCullough/Parker Group

The Mong/Long Group

The Pritchett Group

The Sims Group

The Watts Group

growth groups meet on the second sunday evening of every month.

Get to know our growth groups!

Read more about our Growth Groups

While it's easy to get to know your church family in a smaller congregation, once a congregation grows large enough, it becomes difficult to make meaningful connections with everyone.

Many times, members of growing congregations can begin to feel isolated and disconnected — and newcomers have a difficult time finding their place.

Why we created Growth Groups

That's why we created Growth Groups, so we can "grow larger by growing smaller."

Growth Groups are smaller segments of the congregation that meet in each other's homes once a month for a time of worship and fellowship. Through these groups, it's our hope that our members can develop and sustain relationships with their church family that reach well beyond just a hello, hug and handshake on Sunday morning.

Our elders believe Growth Groups are vital to the continued growth of our congregation. We believe these groups can be a catalyst for spiritual, relationship and numerical growth.

Growth Group FAQs

How many people are in a Growth Group?
Each Growth Group consists of roughly 20 members who meet in each other's homes on Growth Group Sunday, the second Sunday of each month.

Who chooses Growth Groups?
Our ministry and leadership team assigns the members of the congregation to Growth Groups. Group members are assigned based on various criteria such as geography, season of life, etc. During the summer months, Growth Groups may be reshuffled to best serve the members of that group.

What is the schedule for meetings?
The second Sunday of every month is Growth Group Sunday. Each Growth Group meets at 5 p.m. that day in one of the member's homes. Some groups will meet at the church building on Growth Group Sunday on a rotating basis. Groups meet for an eight-month cycle from September to April; they do not meet May through August.

Who are the leaders? How are they chosen?
Leaders are chosen by the ministry and leadership team and agree to serve for one cycle (September through April). If you are interested in becoming a Growth Group leader, please contact Chris Parker.

What do you do during a Growth Group meeting?
  • A Growth Group meeting is a time of worship and fellowship. 
  • Meetings include singing, prayer (taking prayer requests, needs and praise), scripture reading, a devo or short talk, and offering the Lord's Supper. 
  • After the meeting, Growth Groups share a meal together. Groups that meet at the building will have a catered meal after worship.

What are the goals of Growth Groups?
The ministry and leadership team have identified these goals:
  • Greater personal spiritual growth by providing the opportunity to study God's word in a less overwhelming, less intimidating setting
  • Wider congregation involvement by providing people a smaller circle to which they can belong, while working to the goals and vision of our larger church body
  • Broader hospitality by meeting to worship in various members' homes
  • Deeper, more honest fellowship through a safe environment when you can open up and lean on your brothers and sisters
  • Providing an inviting environment for evangelism by providing a place to bring friends and family members to fellowship in a smaller, less intimidating setting

More of Our Active Groups


We have an exceptional group of Bible class teachers who are passionate about teaching God's word to young children. Volunteers are always welcome!

Our Men's Ministry encourages Christian men to fulfill their responsibilities as spiritual leaders in the home and church. The men gather for regular outings and bi-monthly breakfasts.

men's ministry

Designed for empty nesters and anyone else who enjoys fellowship with believers, the Hilltoppers ministry has a number of activities each month. From trips to the theater to Atlanta experiences, this group stays busy.


- Brianna Boyd

No matter what stage of life I’ve gone through it has always been easy to walk through the front doors. Being a part of a church that exemplifies Christs love has not only created a community but it’s also created a home.

"Growing up at this church has truly been one of my life’s greatest blessings."

Our members consider one another family. The relationships found here extend beyond Sunday morning worship. We support each other in celebration, loss, and everything in between. 

At Peachtree City Church of Christ, we go above and beyond a warm welcome. Our goal is to join you in your walk of faith, equip you with a spiritual foundation, and partner with you to serve God through the local church.

We want more for you than a "just getting by" kind of faith. Rather, we want you to experience the fullness of God in community with your Christian brothers and sisters. 

Being a "small" church of two - three hundred members, we are especially equipped to make our members feel seen & heard. At Peachtree City, you'll experience care, find mentors, and be a part of something truly special.

And if you are thinking that you've tried finding a church home before...

Here's what makes the peachtree city church of christ different:

Free Bible Correspondence Courses

Would you like to learn more about the Bible at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home? We offer three Bible correspondence courses free of charge to anyone who’s interested. Please see the course choices below.

All study plans are designed to be used with an open Bible and an open heart. You'll answer questions at the end of each lesson, mail them to our church, and we will send you the next one. For World Bible School, you can take the course completely online.

If interested, please let us know when you contact us. Our prayer is that you will be blessed with your studies and your knowledge and appreciation of God's word.


  • Living Without Christ
  • Salvation In Christ
  • The Authority Of Christ
  • Faith In Christ
  • Repentance
  • Baptism Into Christ

  1. Old Testament
  2. New Testament
  3. Rightly Dividing the Truth
  4. Faith and Works
  5. Becoming a Christian
  6. Acceptable Worship
  7. The New Testament Church
  8. You Can Just Be A Christian


(30 lessons)

These are simple Bible lessons designed for the person without independent knowledge of the Bible or one who wants to simply increase their Biblical knowledge.

On the first Sunday evening of every month, we have the privilege of hosting a visit from Brian Simon who preaches at the Pike Road Church of Christ. His messages are such an encouragement to our church. We urge you to join us & hear from him!

Monthly Messages from Brian Simon

— Dottie H.

Our congregation is filled with many caring and hard working people. There’s something for everyone to participate in and see God working to save souls.

There's something for everyone.

I began my time with the Peachtree City Church of Christ as a church member. The shepherds brought me on staff, and over the years, the needs of the church have changed and so has my position. Today, I am the preaching minister. My time with this church and its leadership has been a treasure, and I'm looking forward to many more years in His service.

I have been fortunate to call this church home for more than twenty years. As my family has grown, our church family has been gracious in supporting us and caring so well for our two sons.

I can tell you that the Peachtree City Church is unique. We'd love to hear your needs, because this might be the church for you.

Hey, I'm chris!

This might be the church for you...

The Bible is the sole rule of faith and practice and the New Testament is the primary revelation of God's will.

We believe that...

Flashy presentations, messages lacking in Biblical depth, doing things without scriptural dignification.

We're not about...

Following the example set for us in the Bible by the first century church.

We're all about...

What Makes Us Different From Everywhere You've Tried Before

Let us join you in your walk of faith

201 s. peachtree parkway, ptc, ga  | contact us |  IMAGES By Maddyem photography