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The phase when unfiltered words make you laugh, school drop-off makes you cry, and life becomes a stage where you kid shouts, “Look at me!”

First Grade: 


You have approximately 624 weeks and counting. You have approximately 624 weeks and counting.

The average first grade class has twenty kids--some even as cute and smart as your own. But first graders are hungry for individualized adult attention and approval. So when it’s the end of the day and your first grader keeps asking, “Look at me,” give them your attention as freely and as often as possible.

Give some undivided attention.

It’s only the second year, and your kid is still adjusting to less playtime, more early-morning alarm clocks, and an even higher demand for focused attention. It’s still important to give after-school opportunities for a little unstructured play, a chance to skip and run, throw and catch and to use their imagination.

Adjust for a cultural shift-: school.

Your child is now a sophisticated conversationalist--at least in their mind. With one year of school under their belt, they are quickly becoming more confident in their opinions and observations. You may be amazed and entertained by all the profound and uncensored things they say, like, “I stink on the stairs when I eat brown beans.”

Get ready for memorable statements.

the First Grade Phase

welcome to

water regularly

In Elementary:

Emphasize engaging in your child's interests to demonstrate trusting in God's character. Water the seeds and, as they sprout up, cultivate community and nurture their sense of discovery to prepare your child for what comes next.

Your first grader’s schedule may be picking up pace-from bus rides to recreational sports to after-school programs. But with all the increasing opportunities to try new things, don’t miss what your first grader needs most. The way you answer their questions, listen to their stories and show up consistently will help them improve their abilities.

In the First Grade phase, your role is to engage their interests.

  • Elementary schoolers think like a scientist | You help them learn when you… give them concrete examples.
  • Elementary schoolers want to know, “Do I have your attention?” | You capture their heart when you… improve their abilities.
  • Elementary schoolers are motivated by fun | You coach them when you… play on their level.

Think. Want. Motivate.

Rhythms & Responses

Make the most of Each moment (Eph 5:16)

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Why Rhythms & Responses Matter:

Look therefore carefully how ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise; redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Eph 5:15–16)

In other words: Life is short & the days are evil. Days, however, are also opportunities.

Our English word opportunity comes from a Latin word meaning, “toward the port,” suggesting that a ship can take advantage of the winds and tides to navigate safely toward the harbor.
The brevity of life makes it all the more important to make the best use of the opportunities God gives us. Much like a ship, in life's short journey, there are winds and tides that can be leveraged for a good purpose.

In Paul’s time, when Roman persecution was on the way, how foolish to waste opportunities to win the lost when soon those opportunities might be taken away! In the moments we have with our children, this is why our rhythms and responses matter: that by the grace of God, we could redeem the time we have, no matter how fleeting or frustrating.

 Be a counselor. Strengthen you relationship through heart conversations at the end of the day.


Be a teacher. Establish values with intentional conversations while you eat together.


Be a friend. Interpret life during informal conversations as you travel.

Drive TIME

Be a coach. Instill purpose be starting the day with encouraging words.


be wise with your time.

“A friend loves at all times. He is there to help when trouble comes.” Proverbs 17:17
Repeat simply Bible verses.

"You need to make the wise choice."

"Let’s take a new book to your friend who stayed home sick today."
Involve them in serving friends and neighbors.

be wise with your words.

This year you will provoke discovery so your child will trust God’s character and experience God’s family.

Your first grader may be starting to read and enjoy books. So, this is a great year to purchase a kid’s Bible. Look for one that is the full text, in an easy-to-read translation like the NIV or ESV. You will need to read it to them for now. Continue having other faith conversations as you go about your days together.

show authentic faith

– Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Our aim as parents

 Child Developments & Change

Your Child's Growing Capabilities (1 Cor 3:2)

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Why Development & Change Matters:

But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ. I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready. (1 Cor 3:1-2)

At one point in time, you had to start out with the basics. As you learned and you grew, you were able to handle more difficult things. This is why Paul compares himself to a mother in places like 1 Cor 4:15 and 1 Thess 2:7.

A major part of intentional Christian parenting means giving your children what they need when they need it. By being aware of their milestones and tendencies, you can adjust their goals with their capabilities.

Then, as they near their next milestone, you're there waiting to celebrate,  and you're ready to give them more. A good parent knows when their children need to grow. Instead of just leaving them with milk, like Paul, we should desire to give them more and more as they become ready for it. 

As your child grows, this is why you need to navigate the changes well: that by the grace of God, you could help them stretch and learn to know the Gospel at every age. To do this, you can't just meet them where they are, you must know how to gently push them on where they need to go.

  • Tends to be optimistic
  • Can be fanatical about the truth
  • Benefits from relaxation techniques (take a deep breath)
  • Expresses feelings better through play and art rather than words
  • Deals with fear and anxiety by distracting themselves
  • Highly sensitive to harsh criticism tone, and body language


  • Wants to finish first (maybe highly competitive)
  • Can be bossy or critical of others
  • Needs guidance taking turns and losing well
  • May have a best friend (or may not)


  • Can focus on one activity for 5-15 minutes
  • Beginning to understand ironic humor and tell simple jokes
  • Often very ambitious and motivated to learn
  • Beginning to logically interpret cause and effect


  • Loses incisor teeth (6-8 years)
  • Grows two to three inches and gains an average of five pounds
  • Able to swim, skip, gallop, and move to the beat of music
  • Draws with considerable detail
  • Needs 10-12 hours of sleep each night


your child is changing...

In elementary, you are setting the stage for truth based on what is black and white, as well as creating habits that could last a decade.

Resources For This Stage

No matter how much you prepare, no matter how much you work, you're going to miss something. You're going to mess up. You're going to say or do something you regret. And yes, God can redeem even your short-comings as a parent.

To the best of our ability, we can hope that we use the tools given to us to be Godly parents, grandparents, and mentors. But thanks be to God that the salvation of the children in our care does not depend solely on us.

To play on Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 3, I ask: What then is a father? What then is a mother? One can plant, and one can water, but it is God who gives the increase.

So, as a parent, do what you can. And aim to do it well. But trust that God, who is able to do far more abundantly than all that you could ask or think, will be glorified throughout all generations, even yours.

God's got  this.

This all might sound like a lot, but I can assure you...

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Early Years

read more parent strategy guides


4 year old

3 year old

2 year old

1 year old

New baby

plant the seeds

The Early Years:


5th grade

4th grade

3rd grade

2nd grade

1st grade


water regularly



8th grade

7th grade

6th grade

prune patiently

Middle School:


12th grade

11th grade

10th grade

9th grade

support the branches

High School:


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